


Nemzetközi tréningen képviselték a szegedi orvostanhallgatókat

Nemzetközi tréningen képviselték a szegedi orvostanhallgatókat

2023. június 02.
4 perc

2023. május 26-30. között került megrendezésre Horvátországban az AdriaTrain 2023 nemzetközi orvostanhallgató tréner képzés, melyen a Magyar Orvostanhallgatók Szövetségét és a Szegedi Orvostanhallgatók Egyesületét Ignácz Máté, a SZOE elnöke képviselte. A képzés kiváló lehetőséget biztosít a hallgatóknak a hivatalos IFMSA tréner bizonyítvány megszerzésére és a medikusok közötti nemzetközi együttműködések további bővítésére.

Detailed report of the 1st CroMSIC Sub-Regional Training within the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations


AdriaTrain 2023 – Hvar, Jelsa (Croatia)



Máté Ignácz (LC President – HuMSIRC LC Szeged)


Participant of behalf of HuMSIRC – Hungary LC Szeged assigned to the Training New Trainers Programme


A Sub-Regional Training is an international meeting supported by the IFMSA, where members and motivated students can meet and participate in trainings, workshops and small working groups. The main objective of the program is to improve the work of IFMSA in the region. They are designed to provide IFMSA members with a wide overview of the soft skills and know-hows which are essential to manage interpersonal and presentational skills on a high level, thus SRTs are exceptionally important for local and national officers to further improve their quality of work via the new techniques and good practises developed and implemented by IFMSA officials.


I have had the honour to represent HuMSIRC and the medical students of Hungary and Szeged during the 1st SRT organized by CroMSIC (Croatian Medical Students’ International Committee) in Jelsa which is a picturesque town on the island of Hvar. I have participated in the TNT (Training New Trainers) Programme.


TNT is the essential workshop to develop new trainers. It is a workshop that capacitates participants with the most important soft skills and knowledge needed for being an educator, mentor and a role model in the field on non-formal education. Here, students can learn what are the key elements of training design, evaluation, facilitation, presentation, and much more.


By the end of my Training I have successfully obtained a Certificate as an Official Trainer of the IFMSA.


During the official programme I had sessions on several relevant topics. The 1st day educated me on communication skills and proper feedback mechanisms. I learned about the main characteristics of adult learning, presentation skills and public speaking issues and started mastering training design. On day 2 we continued with an extended knowledge on training design and trainers’ toolbox, recieved education on debriefing, facilitation skills and dealing with „difficult” participants during workshops, and further improved our presentational skills.

On the last day we hosted our first own presentation which we researched in deep detail during the night before. After delivering our presentations we learned about group dinamics, trainer’s ethics, improved our knowledge on game design and ended our workshops with a – quite moving – self-discovery and self-reflectory relaxational event.



The training provided me with several opportunities to connect with medical students from all around the European region which is the most important key towards developing long-lasting cooperations from student representatives from different NMOs (National Member Organizations). The opening and closing ceremony, the National Food and Drinks Party and other social activities enabled me to make friends from Croatia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Portugal, Turkey, India and many more countries which will be critially important in my future work towards establishing fruitful collaborations with medical student associations worldwide.


As a summary I can state that participating in the AdriaTrain SRT was a special and rewarding opportunity for me, both academically and in terms of establishing more broad scenes for international relations. I am grateful towards my Local Committee for making my participation possible and supporting me during the preparations and the SRT itself. I am looking forward to giving back as much as I can with all the knowledge I mastered during AdriaTrain 2023.


Szeged, June 1st, 2023


Máté Ignácz

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