
Doktori képzés


PhD védések 2018 - ban

PhD védések 2018 - ban

2018. szeptember 13.
6 perc

A meghirdetett PhD védések időpontjai 2018. januárjától.

Az aktuális védések az oldal tetején találhatók.

A PhD értekezés címére kattintva az SZTE Doktori Repozitórium érhető el.

Dr. Barrak Ibrahim Ádám

2018. december 19. 14.30 óra

„Intraosseous heat generation during guided osteotomy for dental implantological purposes”

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Dr. Dulic Sonja

2018. december 19. 13.00 óra

„Investigation of the adaptive immune response in immune-mediated diseases ”

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Dr. Faragó Péter

2018. december 18. 14.00 óra

„Resting state fMRI frequency specific alterations in primary headache disorders”

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Dr. Mózes Petra

2018. december 14. 10.00 óra

„New approaches in the treatment of primary central nervous system tumors”


Dr. Bach Ádám

2018. december 12. 15.00 óra

„New aspects of clinical application of endoscopic arytenoid abduction lateropexy”


Dr. Ottlakán Aurél

2018. december 03. 14.00 óra

„Modern diagnostic and surgical management of thoracic diseases in our partice”


Szabó Emília Rita

2018. november 30. 15.00 óra

„Development of zebrafish embryo model, an alternative in vivo vertebrate system for radiation biology research”


Dr. Mikó Ibolya

2018. november 29. 14.00 óra

„Effect of a complex exercise programme on postural balance, endurance and falls in women with established osteoporosis”

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Dr. Jakó Mária

2018. november 29. 13.00 óra

„Ultrasonographic, pharmacologic and pathologic examination of the fetoplacental circulation”


Dr. Rusz Orsolya

2018. november 29. 10.00 óra

Dr. Balla Eszter

2018. november 28. 14.00 óra

„Seroprevalence of Some Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections in Patient Groups of Special Epidemiological Relevance in Hungary”

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Varga Viktória Éva

2018. november 21. 15.00 óra

„Molecular Mechanisms of Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy in Newborn Piglets”

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Dr. Tóth Anna

2018. november 20. 14.00 óra

„The role of elastases in pancreatic diseases”


Maszlag-Török Rita

2018. október 29. 14.00 óra

"Some genetic factors of Parkinson’s disease in the Hungarian population"

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Dr. Matievics Vera

2018. október 19. 13.00 óra

"Functional outcomes of endoscopic arytenoid abduction lateropexy in patients with vocal cord palsy"

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Tokodi Margaréta

2018. október 12. 14.00 óra

"Effect of the allergic inflammatory disease in the upper respiratory tract to the cognitive functions and the physical performance"

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Dr. Fábos Beáta

2018. szeptember 24. 14.00 óra

"Genetic investigations in rare genodermatoses with pigmentational abnormalities"

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Dr. Tóth Csaba

2018. június 29. 10.00 óra

"Expression of the apoptosis repressor with caspase recruitment domain (ARC) in liver metastasis of colorectal cancer and its correlation with clinical data and other prognostic and predictive proteins"

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Dr. Nyiraty Szabolcs

2018. június 28. 13.00 óra

"The involvement of autonomic dysfunction int the pathogenesis of complications in patients with impaired glucose metabolism"

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Bognár Anna

2018. június 28. 9.30 óra

"Effects of pathway-specific visual stimulation on perception"

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Dr. Őze Attila

2018. június 25. 15.00 óra

"Visual learning: healthy development and the effects of migraine"

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Dr. Földeák Dóra Melinda

2018. június 25. 15.00 óra

"Újdonságok a kardiális amyloidosis megítélésében"

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Lantos Ildikó

2018. június 21. 14.00 óra

"A kardiovaszkuláris rendszer és a gasztrointesztinális traktus Chlamydia fertőzésének modellezése"

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Dr. Barski Dimitri

2018. június 15. 10.00 óra

"New concepts of reconstructive techniques with human amniotic membrane in pelvic floor surgery"

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Dr. Rutka Mariann

2018. június 14. 14.00 óra

"Diagnostic and prognostic value of fecal, serum and endoscopic markers in inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal cancer"

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Dr. Újhelyi Mihály

2018. június 12. 14.00 óra

"Analysis of contributing factors of the breast cancer mortality rate in Hungary between 2002 and 2014"

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Oláh Zita

2018. június 11. 13.30 óra

"The relation between human biomarkers and oxidative stress in Alzheimer’s disease, novel in vivo experimental modelling possibilities"

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Kristóf Attila

2018. június 7. 14.00 óra

"The importance of repolarization reserve in mammalian ventricle"

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Haskó János

2018. június 5. 10.00 óra

"Seeking for Strategies to Support the Blood-Brain Barrier in the Protection Against Invading Cells"

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Nyúl-Tóth Ádám

2018. június 4. 15.00 óra

"Pattern recognition receptors and inflammasome activation in the blood-brain barrier: new players in neuroinflammation"

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Dr. Deák Éva

2018. május 29. 15.00 óra

"Meningeal trigeminovascular reactions mediated by TRPV1 and TRPA1 receptors: effect of adriamycin treatment"

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Danis Judit

2018. május 23. 14.00 óra

"Investigations on cytosolic nucleic acid fragment induced innate immune functions of keratinocytes"

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Dr. Mán Eszter

2018. május 23. 13.00 óra

"Paradigm Shift in the Diagnosis and Therapy of Acute Appendicitis"

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Oravecz Kinga

2018. május 17. 14.00 óra

"The inotropic consequences of selective Na+/Ca2+ exchanger inhibition is controlled by the actual transport balance"

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Haskó János

2018. május 15. 10.00 óra

"Seeking for Strategies to Support the Blood-Brain Barrier in the Protection Against Invading Cells"

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Bodnár Brigitta

2018. május 14. 10.00 óra

"Synthesis of monosaccharide and nucleoside conjugates of estrone derivatives"

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Dr. Dobi Deján

2018. május 9. 14.00 óra

"Clinicopathologic Relevance of Vascular Changes Associated with Transplant Glomerulopathy Secondary to Chronic Antibody-mediated Rejection in the Renal Allograft"

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Dr. Nagy András Csaba

2018. május 4. 11.00 óra

"Possibilities of early detection of cardiotoxicity in patients with malignancy"

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Dr. Altorjay Ábel Tamás

2018. április 25. 14.00 óra

"Correlation between pregnancy hypertension types from the point of view of placental vascularization indices measured by 3-dimensional power doppler"

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Károly Norbert

2018. április 19. 16.00 óra

"Immunohistochemical investigations of the neuronal changes induced by chronic recurrent seizures in a pilocarpine rodent model of temporal lobe epilepsy."

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Varga Béla

2018. április 16. 14.30 óra

"Role of nano-biomechanics in brain metastasis formation and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis"

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Meghívó - angol >>

Dr. Sasi Viktor

2018. április 6. 15.00 óra

"Novel opportunities for the evaluation of vascular function in the cardiac catheterization laboratory"

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Dr. Pipicz Márton

2018.március 5. 12.00 óra

"Alternative cardioprotective approaches and their effects on myocardial peroxynitrite, RISK and SAFE pathways"

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Csabai Zsolt

2018.február 26. 10.00 óra

"Multiplatform analysis of herpesvirus transcriptomes"

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Miskolczi Gottfried

2018.február 20. 11.30 óra

"The role of gap junctions in cardioprotection against the ischaemia and reperfusion-induced severe ventricular arrhythmias"

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Dr. Sárvári Károly Péter

2018.február 16. 13 óra

"Epidemiological- and antibiotic susceptibility investigation of Hungarian Bacteroides fragilis group clinical isolates"


Dr. Hári-Kovács András

2018.január 22. 16 óra

"Ophthalmological aspects of the effect of selected physical, chemical and biological agents"


Dr. Kiricsi Ágnes

2018.január 19. 13 óra

„Intranasal ultraviolet phototherapy in the treatment of allergic rhinitis and chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis”


Varga-Bogdanov Anita

2018.január 12. 14 óra

„Development of a novel chlamydia growth-monitoring method and its application for screening anti- and pro-chlamydial compounds”


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