


Brit Nagykövetség: skót - EU kutatói együttműködési alap - jelentkezés július 12-ig

Brit Nagykövetség: skót - EU kutatói együttműködési alap - jelentkezés július 12-ig

2021. június 15.
1 perc

A skót kormány június 8-án új, 3 millió font értékű rendszert indított el - a Saltire Research Awards-ot a skót és az európai kutatók közötti kutatási együttműködésért

The Scottish Government launched a new £3 million scheme on 8 June – the Saltire Research Awards for research collaboration between Scottish based and European based researchers

  • Projects and activities can be new or existing.
  • Projects and activities can be in any discipline including arts, social sciences and humanities and multidisciplinary projects are eligible/encouraged.
  • Funds include projects, online collaboration that can lead to joint Horizon Europe bids, and two-way researcher exchanges at different career stages.
  • Schemes are managed by the Scottish Funding Council and the Royal Society of Edinburgh and enquiries should be directed to them through the below links to specific schemes).


Funding calls are currently open, closing 12 July.


RSE Saltire International Collaboration Awards - The Royal Society of Edinburgh

RSE Saltire Facilitation Workshop Awards - The Royal Society of Edinburgh

SFC Saltire Emerging Researcher Scheme

RSE Saltire Early Career Fellowships - The Royal Society of Edinburgh

RSE Saltire Research Excellence Fellowships - The Royal Society of Edinburgh

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