2024. September 8., Sunday
Szegedi Tudományegyetem Szent-Györgyi Albert Orvostudományi Kar

University of Szeged
Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School
Foreign Students' Secretariat

Your Education. Our Mission.


Biology I.

Biology II.

Chemistry I.

Chemistry II.

Hungarian Language I.

Hungarian Language II.

Latin Language I.

Latin Language II.

Medical English I.

Medical English II.

Physics I.

Mathematics I.

Latest news


It is with great pleasure and respect that I welcome you, the youngest students of the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School, who are about to start your higher education studies at our university!


At the graduation ceremony of the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School on 27 June 2024, András Szabó, sixth-year medical student, did not only receive his diploma from Prof. Dr. György Lázár, Dean of the Medical School, but also received a dean's commendation.