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2017. July 27.
2017. March 09.
Anything you would like to know? Just ask. Our friendly academic officers are ready to assist you.
2017. March 09.

As you may have been informed, several measles cases were diagnosed at the health care institutions of Csongrád County in the last few days. The disease occurred also among healthcare workers.

2017. February 10.

Annual prize awarded for outstandingly innovative solutions, papers and projects in response to the most pressing issues of our planet, in the field of environmental protection, sustainable development, design, medicine, health preservation and development and education.

2017. January 31.
2017. January 17.

The Award of Metabolism is annually received by experts who publish regularly in professional journals.



Where future doctors are born


At the graduation ceremony of the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School on 27 June 2024, András Szabó, sixth-year medical student, did not only receive his diploma from Prof. Dr. György Lázár, Dean of the Medical School, but also received a dean's commendation.

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