2024. September 12., Thursday
Szegedi Tudományegyetem Szent-Györgyi Albert Orvostudományi Kar

University of Szeged
Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School
Foreign Students' Secretariat

Your Education. Our Mission.



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On September 2, 2024, at a scientific meeting held at the Ilona Banga Health Sciences Education Centre, we saluted the distinguished professor and former Dean of our Faculty, Prof. Dr. Ferenc Bari on the occasion of his 70th birthday.

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University of Szeged
English Language Medical Program
University of Szeged
English Language Medical Program
Alumni Reunion Weekend 2015


University of Szeged
Foreign Language Medical, Dental
and Pharmacy Programs
University of Szeged
English Language Medical Program
Graduation Ceremony
September, 2015


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    What was your first impression of the city of Szeged and the University? Was it difficult to settle down? How long did it take to feel comfortable?

    Liav Yoeli (Orthopedic Surgeon, "Carmel" Medical Center, Haifa, Israel): My first impression was the Karasz street. Sitting in the sun at the begining of the year having coffee and everyone knowing everyone which felt, to me, some kind of a community away from home. And I really liked it.


    What was your first impression of the University? How were your first weeks, months?

    Botros Mekhael (3rd year student, Egypt): “WOW! That’s quite a lot.” I couldn’t believe the amount of information and details that this university took care of in academics. It took me a few months to understand the system and how everything works and fits together and that made the first few months a bit challenging academically but it is much better now. Definitely learned how to manage my time, priorities and studies but that as well comes with the whole experience.

