XXVIIth Congress of the Experimental Surgery Section of Hungarian Surgical SocietyThe Congress was extraordinary in the manner that it not only included the traditional translational experimental and educational areas but also displayed the recently increasingly developing field of simulation training for healthcare workers. Institute of Surgical Research organizing the Congress was taking on a big task with arranging such a wide spectrum of the healthcare simulation training including several manual professions such as traumatology, gynecology, surgery, anesthesiology, and cardiology. Translational research topics about surgical innovations, high-tech trauma surgery and traumatology are highlighted areas. As a unique opportunity within the Congress, we provided the opportunity to the participants to learn about the latest traumatic, anesthetic, and neuro-interventional procedures. Both young clinicians and highly experienced professional mentors were expected to attend the workshops and roundtable discussions.
Website of the Congress: http://www.congress-service.hu/rendezveny/kiseb2019 Pictures taken on the Congress are available on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/ksk.szeged.2019/photos/?ref=page_internal
Abstract Book of the Joint Meeting201820162nd Vienna – Szeged (WiSe2) Meeting “Strengthening the cooperation" (Program) January 22, 2016 2014Austro-Hungarian – WiSe – Research Symposium (Meghívó) February 19, 2014
2009The Hungarian Society of Surgery XXII. Experimental Surgical Congress (Program Booklet)
2002ESSR 2002 - 37th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research Committees / General Informations / Scientific Information / Program, Synopsis / Program - May 23, 2002 / May 24, 2002 / May 25, 2002
1999XVII. Hungarian Experimental Surgical Congress (Program Booklet) |
1991The Hungarian Physiological Society LVI. Meetings (Details) |