Final Program - May 23, 2002, Thursday

National Theater

08:30 - 09:00

M. Boros, Congress President
M. Menger, President of the ESSR
R. Mészáros, Rector, University of Szeged
J. Lonovics, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged
J. Kiss, President, Hungarian Surgical Society
L. Bartha, Mayor of Szeged

09:00 - 11:00

K. Messmer (Munich, Germany), Y. Yamaoka (Kyoto, Japan)

1 Continuous monitoring of cerebrospinal fluid oxygen tension in relation to motor evoked potentials during spinal cord ischemia in a porcine model of TAAA surgery
J. Lips, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2 Suppression of Kupffer cell function and administration of protease inhibitor are keys for successful liver TX in non-heart-beating donor
N. Ohkohchi, Sendai, Japan

3 Three percent relapse after five years follow-up of 200 patients with ventral abdominal wall hernia treated by Carbajo laparoscopic technique
M. Garcia-Caballero, Malaga, Spain

4 The role of neuronal nitric oxide in the mechanism of intestinal preconditioning
S. Varga, Szeged, Hungary

5 The regenerative effect of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) on severe ischemic acute tubular necrosis (ATN) in rats improves survival in kidney transplantation
T. Karatzas, Rion-Patras, Greece

6 Long-term survival of Macaca fascicularis in a life-supporting hDAF pig-to-primate renal xenotransplantation model with triple maintenance therapy and without splenectomy
A. Dedja, Padua, Italy

7 Brain plasticity following hand transplantation
M. Vossen, Utrecht, The Netherlands

8 Expression and function of L-type calcium channels in human colon cancer cells
A. Zawadzki, Malmö, Sweden

National Theater

INVITED LECTURE: M.D. Menger (Homburg/Saar, Germany):
“Microcirculatory Dysfunction and Apoptosis in Ischemia/Reperfusion”
11:30 - 12:00

Chairman/Introduction: J. Hamar (Budapest, Hungary)

Microcirculation (MC)

12:00 - 13:00

J. Hamar (Budapest, Hungary), B. Vollmar (Homburg, Germany)

9 Analysis of angiogenesis, microcirculation, and growth of primary and secondary bone tumors: an experimental study in mice
A. Sckell, Heidelberg, Germany

10 Generalized and local circulatory disorders differentially affect the microcirculation of the different layers of the rat small intestine
K. Vajda, Kecskemét, Hungary

11 Improvement of hepatic microcirculation by ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 in hepatic ischemia/reperfusion model in rat
F. Ikeda, Kyoto, Japan

12 Improvement of microcirculation in severe experimental pancreatitis enhances hepatic capillary blood flow and RES function
B. Forgács, Budapest, Hungary

13 A new model for fluorescence video microscopy of coronary terminal arterioles in situ: effects of perfusion pressure
S. Goebel, Berlin, Germany

14 The role of nitric oxide in the pathomechanism of biliary gastro-esophageal reflux
G. Erõs, Szeged, Hungary

Cinema I

Gastrointestinal Surgery (GS)

12:00 - 13:10

A. Montgomery (Malmö, Sweden), G. Lázár Jr. (Szeged, Hungary)

15 Enhanced anti-tumor efficacy by combining conventional chemotherapy with angiostatin or endostatin in a murine liver metastasis model

E.A. te Velde, Utrecht, The Netherlands

16 Local tumor recurrence influenced by systemic factors
W.M.U. van Grevenstein, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

17 Adhesion of human colon carcinoma cells to the extracellular matrix
M. ten Kate, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

18 FAK expression in colon carcinoma and correlation with survival
S. Theoharis, Athens, Greece

19 PPAR-g expression in colon cancer patients and correlation with cell cycle-related molecules
S. Theoharis, Athens, Greece

20 Analysis of 426 cases of gastrectomy for primary gastric cancer in a single institution: the feasibility of proximal gastrectomy
S. Okamoto, Wakayama, Japan

21 Immediate postoperative immune response in histamine H1 and H2 C57BL/6J knockout mice
M. García-Caballero, Malaga, Spain

Cinema II

Organ and Tissue Transplantation I (OTT-1)

12:00 - 13:10


D. Kahn (Cape Town, South Africa), U. Hesse (Ghent, Belgium)

Winner of the SUS Prize 2002
Bone marrow derived liver stem cell (BDLSC) and mature hepatocyte engraftment in livers undergoing rejection

I. Avital, Los Angeles, USA

22 The effect of FR167653 on warm ischemia/reperfusion injury of the liver graft from NHBD
S. Miyagi, Sendai, Japan

23 Transplantation of hepatocytes - elimination of granulocytes and monocytes prevents early loss of grafted cells
W.L. Olszewski, Warsaw, Poland

24 Impact of graft rearterialization after auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation (APOLT) in the treatment of acute liver failure
J.P. Hölzen, Münster, Germany

25 Synergistic value of fibrinolysis and hypothermic aerobic preservation with O2 in the protection of livers from non heart beating donors
R.H. Tolba, Bonn, Germany

26 Effect of a novel potent cytokine suppressor on toxic liver syndrome in the pig treated by auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation for fatal fulminant hepatic failure
S. Ishiguro, Ibaraki, Japan

27 Can we guarantee the safety of donor operation in living donor liver transplantation? Analysis of 52 donors
N. Ohkohchi, Sendai, Japan

Cinema III

12:00 - 13:00

W. Ceelen (Ghent, Belgium), Z. Szabo (San Francisco, USA)

A new technique for radical esophagectomy: hand-assisted thoracoscopic esophagectomy using an anterior phreno-mediastinal approach

T. Nishikage, Tokyo, Japan

Kidney transplantation in rats. How I do it

T. Karatzas, Patras, Greece

A new method of appendectomy for complicated acute appendicitis

M. Farima, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

New organ-preserving pancreatic head resection in chronic pancreatitis

G. Farkas, Szeged, Hungary

Endoscopic ultrasonography using sonoprobe for early esophageal carcinoma

K. Kawada, Tokyo, Japan

Analysis of the quality and efficiency in learning laparoscopic skills

D. Bordos, Timisoara, Romania

National Theater

INVITED LECTURE: J-L. Dulucq (Bordeaux, France):
14:00 - 14:30

Chairman/Introduction: B. Baltás (Kecskemét, Hungary)

Ischemia-Reperfusion - the Possibilities of Protection - from Basic Science to Clinical Practice
14:30 - 16:10

B. Sümegi (Pécs, Hungary), K. Hideg (Pécs, Hungary), E. Rõth (Pécs, Hungary), K. Tóth (Pécs, Hungary)

B. Sümegi (Pécs, Hungary):
Effect of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors on the activation of ischemia-reperfusion-induced inflammatory processes in Langendorff perfused hearts

A. Tóth (Pécs, Hungary):
Effect of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors on the activation of ischemia- reperfusion-induced oxidative cell damage and mitochondrial metabolism in Langendorff-perfused hearts

K. Hideg (Pécs, Hungary):
New bioactive molecules capable for scavenging damages caused by ROS and RNS

R.T. Smolenski (Harefield, UK):
Metabolic protection from ischemia-reperfusion injury

E. Rõth (Pécs, Hungary):
The role of bradykinin in delayed myocardial adaptation

N. Marczin (Harefield, UK):
NO and oxidant stress in human lung ischemia-reperfusion

Cinema I

Nutrients as Cell Regulators
14:30 - 16:10

E. Roth (Vienna, Austria), P. van der Leeuwen (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

J. Nygren (Stockholm, Sweden):
Oxidative and non-oxidative glucose disposal in surgery-induced insulin resistance

K. Brand (Erlangen, Germany):
Increased formation of reactive oxygen species due to glucose depletion in primary cultures of rat T-lymphocytes inhibits proliferation

P. Rösen (Düsseldorf, Germany):
Generation of reactive oxygen species and activation of NF-kB by glucose play a critical role for endothelial dysfunction in diabetes.

E. Roth (Vienna, Austria):
Glutamine, a precursor of glutathione

B. Sido (Heidelberg, Germany):
Thiol-mediated redox regulation of intestinal lamina propria T lymphocytes

Cinema II

Organ and Tissue Transplantation II (OTT-2)
14:30 - 16:10

W. Olszewski (Warsaw, Poland), K. Kalmár-Nagy (Pécs, Hungary)

28 Sensitivity, specificity and prognostic value of e-cadherin during preservation of the porcine pancreas with histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate solution or University of Wisconsin Solution
P. Demetter, Ghent, Belgium

29 Functional and immunogenic changes of human fetal pancreatic islet following long-term cultivation
G. Farkas, Szeged, Hungary

30 Successful islet xenotransplantation following macrophage blockade induced by repeated gadolinium chloride injections in rats
A. Paszt, Szeged, Hungary

31 The use of octreotide in pancreatic transplants with enteric drainage results of a prospective randomised single centre trial
H. van der Bracht, Ghent, Belgium

32 The incidence of rejection with quadruple immunosuppression, including ATG or IL2 antibodies and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) following simultaneous pancreas and kidney (SPK) transplantation
U.J. Hesse, Ghent, Belgium

33 Acute small bowel rejection and mucosal perfusion in CD4, CD40 and CD28 knock-out mice
G. Dindelegan, Göteborg, Sweden

34 Moderating of oxidative stress by ischemic preconditioning: role of cellular signal mechanisms in small bowel
A. Ferencz, Pécs, Hungary

35 Effects of ischemic preconditioning on the graft microcirculation during small bowel transplantation
A. Wolfárd, Szeged, Hungary

36 Protective effects of exogenous fructose-1,6-biphosphate added to University of Wisconsin Preservation Solution in rat intestinal transplantation
A. Sola, Barcelona, Spain

37 Xanthine/adenosine and NO modifications during rat intestinal cold perservation modulates the apoptotic response
M. Genescà, Barcelona, Spain

Cinema III

Traumatology and Orthopedics (TO)
14:30 - 15:50

M. Scherer (Munich, Germany), J.A. Simonka (Szeged, Hungary)

45 (withdrawn)

46 MedEdit: computer-assisted orthopedic-trauma surgery planner system
K. Ollé, Szeged, Hungary

47 Trauma of soft tissues and bones evokes local inflammatory reaction expressed in the lymphatic system
G. Szczesny, Warsaw, Poland

48 Intraarticular leukocyte activation during acute clinical haemarthrosis
B. Borsiczky, Pécs, Hungary

49 DYNASTAB-T external stabilizer for open femoral and tibial shaft fractures
G. Szczesny, Warsaw, Poland

50 External stabilization for articular fractures of knee, ankle and elbow joints using DYNASTAB stabilizers
J. Deszczynski, Warsaw, Poland

51 (withdrawn)

52 Vascular tunnel concept in the surgical treatment of brain swelling
A. Csókay, Budapest, Hungary

53 Surgical consequences of the polytrauma equivalent syndrome (PES) to the spleen injuries treatment
G. Ács, Debrecen, Hungary

54 A new pressure-free intramedullary reamer for reducing fat intravasation: an experimental study in sheep
H.U. Spiegel, Münster, Germany

National Theater

Shock and Ischemia-Reperfusion I (SHIR-1)
16:45 - 17:45

U. Brückner (Ulm, Germany), C. Szabó (Beverly, USA)

55 Regulation of the ischemia-reperfusion-syndrome in liver ischemia by transcription factors - A clinical trial
S. Kersting, Dresden, Germany

56 Role of pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate in the induction of ischemic tolerance of the liver: heme oxygenase 1 induction and sinusoidal dilatation
K. Hata, Kyoto, Japan

57 Heat shock preconditioning enhances JNK/AP-1 cascade following hepatic ischemia-reperfusion
H. Uchinami, Kyoto, Japan

58 Involvement of ELR (-) CXC and CC chemokines in hepatic ischemia/reperfusion injury in mice
D. Takeuchi, Chiba, Japan

59 Role of selective COX-2 inhibition by meloxicam in the ischemia/reperfusion injury of the liver
R.H. Tolba, Bonn, Germany

60 The influence of phosphodiestherase-inhibition on the ischaemia-reperfusion injury of the liver
A. Zaránd, Budapest, Hungary

18.00 - 19.30

Cinema I

Sepsis and Inflammation (SI)
16:45 - 17:55

E. Faist (Munich, Germany), S. Nagy (Szeged, Hungary)

71 Lactobacillus plantarum 299v reduces endotoxin-induced bacterial translocation in rats
P. Mangell, Lund, Sweden

72 The effect of epidermal growth factor, Lactobacillus plantarum 299v and oat fiber on dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis model
C. Trably, Malmö, Sweden

73 Regulation of the inflammatory response on the molecular level in mononuclear blood cells in patients with sepsis
T. Zimmermann, Dresden, Germany

74 The role of IkBa on regulation of inflammatory response in septic patients
T. Zimmermann, Dresden, Germany

75 With or without? Role of FAS in sepsis
U. Glatzel, Ludvigshafen, Germany

76 Antibiotic prophylaxis in clean surgery. A Spanish inquiry
M. Cainzos, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

77 The soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor I (STNFRI) is an early predictor of local infective complications after colorectal surgery
R. Slotwinski, Warsaw, Poland

Cinema II

Organ and Tissue Transplantation III (OTT-3)
16:45 - 17:55

Ricardo Lozano (Zaragoza, Spain), Walter Land (Munich, Germany)

38 Different pictures of autogenous infection and rejection in human skin allografts

W.L. Olszewski, Warsaw, Poland

39 The mechanisms involved in initiation of skin allograft rejection - inhibition of antigen presentation by CsA and Prograf
J. Mijal, Warsaw, Poland

40 Damage of graft by ischemia and rejection results in release of DNA and its accumulation in recipient tissues
B. Interewicz, Warsaw, Poland

41 Experimental model of heterothopic uterus transplantation in rat
P.L. Jiga, Timisoara, Romania

42 Elastic properties of bone in composite tissue allotransplantation
M. Vossen, Utrecht, The Netherlands

43 CK-MB/CK serum values after heart transplantation do not correlate with cardiac damage
J.H. Fischer, Cologne, Germany

44 Preserved endothelial function of large and small coronary vessels after prolonged storage including coronary oxygen persufflation
M. Bosse, Cologne, Germany

Cinema III

Vascular and Cardiac Surgery (VCS)
16:45 - 17:45

H. Habazettl (Berlin, Germany), A. Juhász-Nagy (Budapest, Hungary)

78 Correlation between plasma homocysteine, aortic aneurysms and vitamins
A.A. Warsi, Glamorgan, UK

79 Topical wall shear stress and intimal hyperplasia at end-to-side anastomosis
H. Ishibashi, Aichi, Japan

80 Extracellular matrix substance coating on culture dish inhibits vascular wall cell growth for tissue engineering
T. Miyake, Tokyo, Japan

81 Titanium clips and bioglue in vascular surgery
T. Kotsis, Athens, Greece

82 Long-term result of crossover bypass to the lower limb
Y. Hamada, Maebashi, Japan

83 Ventricular rate control during atrial fibrillation with stimulation of the AV-nodal parasympathetic plexus
P. Soós, Budapest, Hungary

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