Sports Medicine


The sport plays a pivotal role in the health prevention.

Special knowledge in physiology, equipments, sport injuries required special training and these facts push forward the sports medicine to a subspecialisation.

The medicine in sport is a widely-known exam in the European Union but till now hasn’t been introduced as an independent discipline in medical faculties of the Universities in Hungary.

Requirements for the successful completion of the course: Participation at the lectures and practices are compulsory. The students’ attendances are checked with attendance sheet. If a student misses more than 30% of the lectures he has to take a stricter examination. There is no way to make up for the unjustified absence of a practice.

Forms of testing: written exam

Textbook: Netter’s Sports Medicine Christopher C. Madden, Margot Putukian Craig C. Young, Eric C. McCarty ISBN 978-1-4160-4922-7


  1. Basic principles of sport medicine, sport as a primary preventive tool: L. Török, J. Márton
  2. Nutrition in sport, gastro- intestinal diseases in athletes: R. Mikulán, J. Márton
  3. Sport physiology, exercise prescription for training, recreation and fitness: Cs. Csonka, L. Török
  4. Internal medicine cardiology in sport I.
    Sudden cardiac death (introductory lecture): Cs. Lengyel
    Non-arrhythmogenic cause of sudden cardiac death: A. Nemes Prof.
  1. Internal medicine cardiology in sport II.
    Sudden cardiac death in athletes: clinical and biological principles: R. Sepp, L. Hategan
    Disorders of ventricular repolarization reserve capacity: I. Baczkó
  1. Pulmonary functional tests in athletes adaptation of ventillation: A. Somfay Prof.
  2. Overuse sport syndromes: L. Török
  3. Sport injuries: L. Török
  4. Psychology and psychiatry in sports: L. Balogh
  5. Metabolic changes in athletes: J. Márton
  6. Doping: Cs. Csonka
  7. Team Physician’ s tasks and work in the outpatient clinic: R. Mikulán
  8. The pediatric athletes and sport cardiology: M. Katona Prof.
  9. Medical sciences and sport: Cs. Csonka, J. Márton
  10. Exam


I. General information of the course:


Course coordinator: University of Szeged, Faculty of Medicine
: Dr. L. Török, Dr. J. Márton, Dr. Cs. Csonka
University of Szeged, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Sports Medicine
Type of the course:
compulsory elective course
: Department of Traumatology, small teaching unit, Szeged, Semmelweis street 6.
: Announced for 4th and 5th year, 2nd semester


II. Goal of the education:


Integration of compulsory elective course entitled sport medicine into the general medical curriculum of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged, gives complex overview to the next generation of medical students to the special medical aspects of sport and recreation. Therefore, they can provide more effective therapies, rehabilitation processes, and recreational advices to their patients in the future.

This subject was introduced 1.5 years ago in Hungarian language program considered previous demand of both undergraduate and graduate students. The syllabus of this subject has been designed to contain and the most important sports medicine fields i.e. sport physiology, sport surgery, sports cardiology, doping, coaching, etc.

The course operates with the tools of propedeutics, thus introduces basic theoretical knowledgement of sports medicine to students by theoretical lectures and by small grouped interactive practical meetings led by a multidisciplinary team constituted of different professions.


(Facultative, on the previous agreement)



Dr. L. Török – Dr. L. Bánki

Skill laboratory

Dr. L. Török – Dr. L. Bánki

Orthopedic operative theatre

Dr. A. Kalapos - Dr. P. Domsik

Exercise physiology, cardiology outpatient clinic

Dr. L. Balogh

Psychology in sport (laboratory)

Dr. R. Mikulán

Team physician’s outpatient clinic

Prof. Dr. Somfay Attila

Pulmonary function tests


III. Other relevant information concerning education:


The course is opened for students in the spring semester, 2 contact hours (lectures) per week completed with small grouped interactive practical meetings led by a multidisciplinary team constituted of different professions according to the aforementioned syllabus.